Interview Archives
  • Hongyun Chen

    Name:Hongyun Chen Occupation: Purchasing Engineer BG: From a three-generation TCM family


    Overview of Interview Questions:

    Please introduce yourself.

    陈红云。 目前在日本一家光学行业的企业担任采购工作。
    My name is Chen Hongyun. I currently work in procurement at an optics company in Japan.

    1. 家族传承
    Family Heritage

    Can you share a bit about the history of TCM in your family?

    I’m not very well-versed in all the details, but I do know that both my grandfather and father practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


    What are your memories of your grandfather and father’s work in TCM from your childhood?


    Since I didn’t live with my grandfather when I was young, I don’t have many memories of him. I do vaguely remember my father taking me to visit him at the hospital where he worked when I was in first or second grade. 爸爸这边的话,我很小的时候是农村的赤脚医生,工作的地方大概离我们租住的地方十几二十公里的样子吧,当时爸爸是骑自行车去工作的地方的,偶尔我也会缠着要爸爸带着去玩。


    As for my father, he was a barefoot doctor in the countryside when I was very young. His workplace was about ten to twenty kilometers away from where we rented a house. He would ride his bicycle to work, and sometimes I would beg him to let me go along for fun. I remember sitting on the crossbar of his big bicycle, and my legs would always go numb.

    具体不知道什么时候开始,爸爸自己开了一个小小的诊所,帮人看病的是爸爸,妈妈帮忙抓药这样子。然后大概是我小学了3年级的时候,家里在原来租住的地方不远的村子买了一块宅基地,盖了自己的房子,当时是手里面没有什么钱,本来是准备盖两层的,结果只是先盖了一层,通往二楼的楼梯倒是预先建好了,这样可以通到一楼楼顶,楼梯下面是一个小小的楼梯间。 我记得很清楚的是,房子还没有完全盖好,爸爸就带着一个药箱住在那个小小的楼梯间里面帮找来的患者看病。
    I'm not exactly sure when it began, but at some point, my father opened a small clinic of his own. He was the one treating patients, while my mother assisted by preparing the medicine. When I was in the third grade, our family bought a piece of land in a nearby village and built our own house. We didn’t have much money at the time, so while we planned to build a two-story house, we could only afford to complete the first floor. We did build the stairs to the second floor, which provided access to the roof. I remember very clearly that before the house was fully finished, my father had already moved into the small stairwell with his medicine box to treat patients who came to see him.

    再过了一段,房子盖好以后地方是宽敞些了,但我们家的诊所和住的地方还是合二为一的,既是诊所也是家。 大厅就是诊病的场所,大厅的旁边就是我们的卧室,后面的两间房间是抓药的地方,一间是西药和注射,另外一间是中药的库房。 我们家的诊所是中医为主,所以主要还是中药,中药的那间有定做的两个大的柜子,柜子里面分了很多小格,每格都是不同的中药。

    Once the house was finally completed, we had more space, but our clinic and living area were still combined. It served as both a clinic and our home. The main hall was where my father diagnosed patients, and our bedrooms were right next to it. At the back of the house, there were two rooms for dispensing medicine—one for Western medicine and injections, and the other for Chinese medicine storage. Our clinic mainly focused on TCM, so most of the medicine was Chinese herbal medicine. The Chinese medicine room had two large custom-made cabinets, each divided into many small compartments, with each compartment holding a different herb.



    My father was highly respected in the local community, so many patients came to see him. There were always a lot of people waiting, both inside and outside the hall. I remember we had many small bamboo chairs for patients to sit on while they waited, and when there weren’t enough seats inside, people would wait in the courtyard. We also had a collection of illustrated storybooks to keep the patients entertained while they waited.

    2. 家庭环境
    Family Environment


    What role did the family environment play in the dissemination and inheritance of TCM knowledge during our upbringing?

    但其实有的时候,我知道爸爸其实也是挺希望自己能学中医,让他的所学还有积累的经验能够有人来继承,中医和西医还是不同,需要师傅带学徒那样的手把手来教,其实蛮适合家族内来做传承。 我对学医的兴趣是飘忽不定,有的时候非常想成为一名医生,去治病救人,有的时候又觉得医生太累,太辛苦。 特别是爸爸经常非常忙,中午饭总是要忙到下午二,三点钟才能吃上,中间实在太饿了,和等的患者解释一下,稍微吃点点心,休息十几分钟,然后接着给病人诊疗。 我是看在眼里,觉得蛮心疼的。而且我的童年记忆里,因为爸爸忙,所以陪我一起玩的时间也很少,有一段时间我喜欢上了下象棋,但是爸爸能够陪我下的时候少之又少。

    From what I remember, my father never specifically encouraged me to study TCM, Western medicine, or to become a doctor. He often said that being a doctor is exhausting and comes with too much responsibility, and he didn’t want his children to carry such a heavy burden. However, I knew that deep down, he did hope that I might study TCM so that someone could inherit his knowledge and accumulated experience. TCM and Western medicine are different in that TCM often relies on a master-apprentice relationship for hands-on teaching, which makes it quite suitable for family-based inheritance. My interest in studying medicine was inconsistent; sometimes I very much wanted to become a doctor to help others, while other times I thought it was too exhausting and difficult. My father was often very busy, sometimes not eating lunch until two or three in the afternoon. If he got too hungry, he would explain to the waiting patients, have a quick snack, rest for ten minutes, and then continue treating patients. I could see how hard he worked, and it made me feel sorry for him. In my childhood memories, because my father was so busy, he didn’t have much time to play with me. For a while, I developed an interest in chess, but he rarely had time to play with me.


    Did your father teach you any TCM knowledge or concepts in daily life?


    My father often pointed out that many things in TCM can be used as medicinal herbs. When we were out together, he would frequently tell me about the plants we saw—what they were called and what ailments they could treat. He also explained concepts like the "Eighteen Incompatibilities" in TCM, which refers to certain substances that should not be used together or consumed at the same time.


    3. 个人选择
    Personal Choices


    Our generation did not choose to pursue TCM; what do you think caused this shift?



    I think the main reason is that TCM is quite difficult to learn and requires a great deal of perseverance. Becoming a good TCM practitioner is very challenging


    What factors in our family influenced why our generation did not continue studying TCM?




    There are so many career options available now, unlike in the past when it was almost expected that children would follow in their parents' footsteps. A lack of strong influence or pressure from our parents is probably a major reason. On the other hand, I think our parents understood how hard it is to study and practice TCM, and they didn’t want us to go through the same hardships.

    4. 对中医的看法 Views on TCM


    What are your views on TCM? Where do you think TCM stands in modern society? 中医是民族文化瑰宝,虽然时不时的有人看不起中医,认为中医不如西医。

    TCM is a treasure of our national culture, although some people occasionally look down on it, thinking it's inferior to Western medicine.


    While it might not be as effective as Western medicine for certain acute conditions or surgical procedures, it's undeniable that TCM can also cure diseases and save lives. In fact, it often excels in treating some chronic illnesses where Western medicine might fall short.

    What significance does TCM hold in our family?



    Both my grandfather and father were highly skilled TCM practitioners with excellent reputations. I remember many patients who traveled long distances, drawn by word of mouth, and many challenging cases were successfully treated. Our family received numerous banners from grateful patients. Because they practiced in a rural area, patients would often express their gratitude by bringing agricultural products. I feel proud of TCM, and I’m proud of my father and grandfather.


    Regarding Public History and TCM

    5. 公共历史视角Public History Perspective

    Do you think there is anything unique about our family’s TCM heritage that is worth documenting and sharing?

    家族的中医传承积累了不少的验方,对有些疾病有独特的疗效,如果能够记录和传播的话, 想必可以造福更多的病患。

    Our family has developed many effective prescriptions with unique benefits for certain diseases. If these could be documented and shared, I believe they could help even more patients.

    How do you think we can help more people learn about our family’s TCM history and heritage?


    I remember that my father had the habit of keeping medical records. I’m not sure if those records still exist, but if they do, we could organize them to uncover many stories and detailed examples of how treatments were applied, which could play a significant role in passing down this knowledge.

    6. 文化传承Cultural Heritage

    As a cultural heritage, what challenges do you think TCM faces in its transmission and dissemination in modern society?



    Personally, I think TCM is very difficult to learn, and becoming a highly skilled TCM practitioner is even more challenging. It requires extensive knowledge, a great memory, and a natural talent for tailoring treatments to individual patients, which I believe is much harder than practicing Western medicine. Additionally, TCM has its limitations, particularly in surgery. This has led to pure TCM taking a relatively secondary position in today’s society.

    再实际一点来说,就业的情况中医也不是太好。 成为有名的中医当然是名和利都有, 但是成为一名有名中医谈何容易,这也导致选择中医的人数并不是太多。

    Practically speaking, employment opportunities in TCM aren’t particularly promising either. While becoming a renowned TCM practitioner can bring both fame and fortune, it’s extremely difficult to reach that level of recognition, which is why not many people choose to pursue TCM.

    Regarding Public History and TCM

    How do you think we can better protect and preserve TCM culture, especially the kind of folk TCM heritage like our family’s?

    主要的话还是要靠国家的政策吧。 个人的力量是太小了,国家要能培养出更多的医术高明的中医, 看中医真正能对病人有利,从事中医的人员能够有更好的待遇从而吸引到更多人参加到中医中来才是一个好的循环,才能更好的保护和传承中医文化。

    It largely depends on national policies. Individual efforts are too limited; the government needs to focus on cultivating more highly skilled TCM practitioners and acknowledging the real benefits that TCM can offer to patients. If those working in TCM were better supported, it would attract more people to the field, creating a positive cycle that would help protect and preserve TCM culture. As for family-based folk inheritance, it’s more difficult. In our family, for example, if the next generation doesn’t choose to study TCM and carry on the tradition, the lineage effectively ends.

    个人经历和感受Personal Experiences and Feelings

    7. 个人经历
    Personal Experiences

    Have you ever tried to learn TCM or applied TCM knowledge in your life? Could you share any experience


    Unfortunately, not really. When I was young, my father had me memorize some classical herbal formulas, but I never pursued a more systematic study of TCM.

    How has the story of our family’s TCM heritage influenced your personal growth and values?


    I’ve come to deeply appreciate the concept of "a doctor with a benevolent heart." Although I didn’t choose to become a doctor, I strive to be a kind and compassionate person.

    Future Outlook


    Do you think it’s possible that someone in our family might choose to pursue TCM in the future?



    There’s definitely still a possibility. The government has been putting significant emphasis on TCM, and the number of TCM practitioners has been increasing in recent years. If someone in the next generation develops an interest in TCM, I would fully support them.

    If you had the opportunity to participate in the preservation and promotion of TCM, how would you like to contribute?


    At the moment, I can’t think of any specific ways I could contribute to the preservation and promotion of TCM. However, I’m willing to participate in any way I can within my capabilities.